Empower your investments with Inrate’s ESG Active Ownership services. 🌍📈
Inrate offers a comprehensive approach to ESG stewardship, combining proactive engagement with portfolio companies and end-to-end proxy voting solutions. Our services enable institutional investors to fulfill regulatory requirements and drive long-term value creation.
Key features include:
Regulatory Alignment: Meet the Swiss Stewardship Code and other regulatory frameworks through goal-oriented ESG engagement.
Real-Time Tracking: Seamlessly monitor your ESG performance with Inrate’s proprietary tool, updated in real-time.
Transparent Reporting: Demonstrate responsible ownership with customizable reports at the end of each engagement and proxy voting cycle.
Expert Insights: Collaborate with top ESG specialists to select material topics for active engagement and proxy voting decisions.
Discover how Inrate’s ESG Active Ownership can help you influence positive environmental, social, and governance practices at portfolio companies.
Learn more: Inrate ESG Active Ownership